Vania2 min read

The Gods created Eden to be a divine paradise, where all of creation could live in perfect balance. But instead of living in peace, the Gods spent their time quarreling and feuding, each focused on their own narrow interests.

The God of Wisdom, eldest of them all, proposed a solution. A new kind of creature would be constructed. Each God would give an equal piece of themselves to it, so that it would contain the perfect balance of their traits. These creatures, the Humans, would work alongside the Gods and help settle their disputes.

All the Gods agreed to this plan… except for one. Lucef, the God of Cleverness thought himself superior to his brethren, and felt the Humans should be more like him. He kept these thoughts private, though, until it came time to create the Humans. As each God gave a piece of themselves, Lucef gave a little bit more.

At first the experiment seemed to be a success. But soon it became clear that Humans were not balanced after all. Cleverness, left untempered by wisdom, proved dangerous. Thus the Humans were cast down to the lower levels of Eden to live their lives out with the other mortal creatures.

Some Humans tried to live in balance and seek greater wisdom, hoping that the Gods would forgive them. Others grew bitter. How could the Gods judge them for their own mistakes?

Still believing Humans to be perfect, though. Lucef sought to teach them the secrets of the Gods. He showed a man named Aldam how to harness the power of Souls, and soon he was using it to build wondrous cities and machines. When the Elder God discovered what was happening he grew alarmed and had Aldam’s machines destroyed and Lucef exiled to the Underworld.

Now doubly embittered, Aldam secretly continued his machinations, building a laboratory deep within the bowels of Eden. He and his people created weapons to use against the Gods, should they come to defeat them again.

Perhaps the Gods discovered this, though, for a mysterious illness began spreading through Eden. Believing it to be an insidious attack, Aldam launched an assault on the city of the Gods.

It was a success. The few Gods who survived went into hiding, and for the first time Humans felt safe. This peace would not last, however. The mysterious illness ravaging their people did not go away, instead spreading further and wider. Some began to wonder if Eden itself might be dying.

Blaming this plague on the remaining Gods, Aldam sought one last conquest: the Light of Haven, the source of all souls. If they could tap into this power, the Humans could banish the remaining Gods and end the plague that threatened them all.