The Gods2 min read

God of Wisdom

Also known as the Elder, the God of Wisdom is the most trusted of all the Gods. He is known to have a fondness for all living things, and is thought to spend most of his time studying them.

God of Protection

Dsalus is a formidable God, stubborn and quick to judge. He finds the Humans to be dangerous and flawed creatures that threaten Eden’s very existence. He would seek to destroy them if he could.

God of Fire

Salaman, the God of Fire and Change, fled fled to the depths of his magma caves when Haven fell. From his appearance he would seem brash and angry, but he is perhaps one of the more thoughtful Gods and a philosopher at heart. Change does not concern him, but the fact that Humans threaten existence itself does.

Goddess of Wind

Neambra fled to the Windy Peaks east when Haven fell, watching events unfold below. Like Salaman, she has a philosopher’s heart and….

Goddess of Life

Gaia, Goddess and creator of all life, fled to her Garden within the Great Tree when Haven fell. Normally a dispassionate observer, her nearly religious belief in allowing the survival of the fittest has been crushed by the Humans. After all, it is they who were strong enough to usurp the Gods themselves, yet the threatened to destroy even themselves. She wants nothing more than to destroy the Humans, now, and any life not Divine.

God of Death

The God of Death is an elusive figure who spends his time in Purgatory, a place not even the other Gods can find. Who he is and what he does there remains a mystery.

God of Water

Odein was always a reclusive God, preferring to be left in solitude. He left Haven eons ago, choosing to dwell in a Temple built for him by Lucef to keep out visitors.